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Best family lawyer in Melbourne Australia

Best family lawyer in Melbourne Australia

By Joel0 comments
When looking for the best family lawyer in Melbourne, look no further!   We have some of the best family lawyers in Melbourne and all across Australia.   Our family lawyers will help you navigate ...AnswerWe also service many other areas of law, we use only top lawyers in family, litigation etc.. Call and speak to a lawyer today on 1800 572 417      


The case of Cuan & Kostelac [2017] FamCAFC 188 (12 September 2017) was a Full Court of the Family Court of Australia (“FCA”) appeal heard by Judges’ Strickland, Aldridge and Loughnan. The appellant, Ms. Cuan, appealed to the FCA to reverse an earlier decision ...
Find a Lawyer in Victoria

Find a Lawyer in Victoria

By Legal Crunch0 comments
FIND A LAWYER IN VICTORIA   My Legal Crunch lawyers provide legal services across Victoria to help you with Victorian legal matters.  Our lawyers know Victorian laws, Victorian legal practice and procedure and Victorian Courts.   Legal Services Provided in Victoria ...
Finding the Right Family Lawyer in Melbourne

Finding the Right Family Lawyer in Melbourne

By Legal Crunch0 comments
Finding the Right Family Lawyer in Melbourne   My Legal Crunch lawyers provide legal services across Victoria to help you with Victorian legal matters.  Our lawyers know Victorian laws, Victorian legal practice and procedure and Victorian Courts.   Legal Services ...
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