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Access to Justice-Queensland Legal Walk

Access to Justice-Queensland Legal Walk

Queensland Legal Walk- Access to Justice    On 15 May 2018, approximately 1,000 supporters took to the streets to participate in a legal walk to raise awareness and support access to justice within Queensland. The organised walks took place in Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, ...
MLC Bookshelf Creating Great Choices

MLC Bookshelf: Creating Great Choices

 We learned in grade school that one plus one equals two, but when we are faced with two choices in decision-making – and usually decisions end up framed around two possibilities — our approach might be described as one versus one equals one. We discard the lesser choice and ...
MLC Bookshelf Barking up the Wrong Tree

MLC Bookshelf: Barking up the Wrong Tree

By Legal Crunch0 comments
Did your high school valedictorian go on to achieve greatness? High schools select their valedictorians because they show promise and exemplify the best the school has to offer. So it’s not unreasonable for us to expect them to achieve great things. Many achieve success ...
Finding the Right Family Lawyers in Rockhampton

Finding the Right Family Lawyers in Rockhampton

By Mike Richardson0 comments
  Empower Yourself with Information Regarding Family Law and Your Rights Are you looking for family lawyers who service Rockhampton and surrounding areas? There are many ways for relationships to start and unfortunately there are just as many ways for relationships ...
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