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How can I get legal services in Australia during COVID-19?

How can I get legal services in Australia during COVID-19?
As COVID-19 continues to disrupt every facet of our lives, many are not sure what services are still available during this uncertain time. 

In keeping and complying with regulations and restrictions imposed by our governments, we are working with different tools as needed to bring you legal services during the time of your need. 

If you have an urgent matter that needs legal attention, whether it's divorce, De Facto and/or Same-Sex Relationships, Property Settlements, Financial Agreements, Parenting Disputes, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support, Pre-Nuptial Agreements, Domestic Abuse, International Family Law, Mediation and Arbitration, Wills, Probates, Employment issues, Commercial or Criminal matters, My Legal Crunch Lawyers is here for you.

We will work to get your matter resolved digitally. To learn more how we can help, go here.

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