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Find a Lawyer in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast

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Find a Lawyer in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast

Are you looking for a lawyer in Queensland?

Whether you are drafting a will or a trust, buying or selling real estate or getting a divorce, it is important that you select the best lawyer for your needs. Finding the right lawyer can go a long way to reducing your stress. A good lawyer just like a good accountant, can protect your interests and save you unnecessary costs.


Find a Lawyer you trust!

When looking for a lawyer, one of the most important factors is whether or not you feel comfortable with them.


Your level of comfort and trust with your lawyer is important. Remember, you will share sensitive information with your lawyer, about your personal or business affairs, so effective communication with your lawyer is vital to your long-term success. You will want to feel assured that your lawyer is diligently representing you and your best interests.


Finding a lawyer that you feel comfortable with can take time, but there are a few factors you can consider which will assist you in the selection process.


Some factors you should consider are:



  • This is one of the most important assets your lawyer can bring to the relationship.
  • You should ask about your lawyer’s experience in the area of the law that you require assistance in. A good lawyer should never shy away from these questions, and should provide you with upfront answers.
  • It is important to remember that age does not discriminate. In other words, just because your lawyer looks experienced, this should not be taken at face value. When in doubt, ask the lawyer you are thinking of hiring.


  • When you pick your lawyer, you are picking more than just a person, you are picking your legal team;
  • You should look at the law firm your lawyer works for, look at their staff and their lawyers. These individuals may be the resources that your lawyer relies on, or maybe even one of the lawyers who will handle a select portion of your matter in the future;
  • Having the right legal team behind you makes a difference, and your lawyer is just one component of your legal team.


  • See what others have said about your lawyer or their law practice.
  • Having background knowledge about your potential lawyer as a reference point is always helpful.
  • Having access to non-biased reviews of your lawyer and/or their legal practice will assist you in making your decision on choosing your lawyer.    


  • Have a lawyer who can work with your schedule and who can accommodate your busy lifestyle matters.
  • Having a lawyer that can communicate with you after business hours or on weekends where necessary, may be a strategic advantage to your case
If you are looking for a passionate and dedicated legal team, give us a call on 1800 572 417 to speak with one of our lawyers today, or leave us your details on



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