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FAQs about Legal Services, Court Operations, Court Orders in Australia during COVID-19

FAQs about Legal Services, Court Operations, Court Orders in Australia during COVID-19

During this uncertain time, as operations and processes are being changed to accommodate restrictions to meet social distancing and other protocols to safeguard us against COVID-19, many questions are arising that pertain to legal services and operations in Australia. Questions like:


Are Courts still open during this time? 

Will my court case still go ahead during COVID-19? 

Who can I reach out to for more information? 

I am worried about my health and safety during this pandemic, what can I do?

Do I have to go to the Court building for my case?

How does COVID-19 impact my parenting agreement?

How can I vary my parenting order during the spread of the coronavirus?

What can I do if I am unable to comply with Court Orders?

How can I file forms electronically to the Courts?


These are all valid questions during this unprecedented time that we are living in. The coronavirus undeniably has changed the way business is being done. 


Get the answers to these questions by going here




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